



01. define


Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes like increased blood pressure. People with anxiety disorders usually have recurring intrusive thoughts or concerns. They may avoid certain situations out of worry. They may also have physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling, dizziness or a rapid heartbeat.
- American Psychological Association

02. Understanding

Inward vs

The next two sections translate thoughts into visuals that depict social expectations vs. how anxiety and anxiety affect those suffering. The responses come directly from conducted survey responses. How can you understand something you never experienced?

2.1 feelings

written responses

"what does
feel like?”

anxiety is...

"Drowning without water"

"a broken record of why and what if but second guessing all decisions"

"The feeling that your chest is going to cave in and you can't catch your breath but you can't do anything but smile on the outside"

"Worrying about not worrying ."

"you're just treading water but getting nowhere.."

"A roller coaster in your brain."

"Be locked in a room without door and windows while you are trying to escape."

"having pervasive thoughts running through your head that overwhelm your day to day functioning."

"The feeling of stumbling before you fall but all the time.""

" your head being an IMAX theater of your own thoughts being blasted on repeat in surround sound with no off switch ."

2.2 thoughts

visual responses

"What do you
not like hearing
when you feel anxious"

03. behaviors



What if mental health wasn’t seen as a flaw we need hide? Many people suffering from anxiety hide how they feel, leading to a mask from society. Using augmented reality technology these objects and clothing conceptualize anxiety and depression through visually expressing how it feels to wear your emotions.