



01. define


Depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Fortunately, it is also treatable. Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can decrease a person’s ability to function at work and at home.
- American Psychiatric Association

02. Understanding

Inward vs Outward

The next two sections translate thoughts into visuals that depict social expectations vs. how anxiety and depression affect those suffering. The responses come directly from conducted survey responses. How can you understand something you never experienced?

2.1 feelings

written responses

"what does
feel like?”

depression is...

"A dark depth that you have to learn to navigate without all your senses"

"a broken record of why and what if but second guessing all decisions"

"Putting yourself in a time warp. It feels as of the world continues to move around you but you remain in the same place ."

"A total void ."

"Watching life pass by around you."

"You’re in the backseat of a crashing car with no way to stop it in control of from crashing ."

"the feeling that you are no longer in control of your body and are instead watching from a distance ."

"Not Being able to find happiness ."

"trying to run underwater there are things you want to do , know you should do, but it takes so much effort to get there."

" Lonely ."

" Feeling empty ."

2.2 thoughts

visual responses

"What do you
not like hearing
when you feel depressed"

03. behaviors



What if mental health wasn’t seen as a flaw we need hide? Many people suffering from anxiety hide how they feel, leading to a mask from society. Using augmented reality technology these objects and clothing conceptualize anxiety and depression through visually expressing how it feels to wear your emotions.